Taking a Canon but Why ?

Now we are talking lets just bring out the big guns shall we. At the about page i mentioned that one thing i truly love is Photography, So maybe i went a little over board just a little with what to take with me.

How Did it all started ?

I always loved taking photos but never went pro, check out my old Photos in Flickr.com there are some new photos at the site to. and one day i toke the plunge and said lets give it a try.

So i went to a shop while i was in Hong Kong once and picked a reasonable camera which at that time didn’t know what the Hell i was doing, the man at the shop wasn’t any help either, i bought at that time a Canon 700D also know as “Canon Rebel T5i”.

Canon Rebel T5i

   In any camera there are more then one mode there is A “Automatic”, P “Program”, AV “Aperture priority”, TV “Shutter Speed priority”, Nikon differs from Canon a bit regarding the AV and TV, but they all have the same concept.

So like any guy who’s still starting off i only started on shooting in Automatic, then i started on reading on how to improve my photos. Keep asking my self why did canon or the other brands put other modes, so i learned that each one of them had a meaning and how to use it plus when to use it.


Of course when your dealing with DSLR cameras you have to learn about Camera Lenses which the fun starts over there plus its very easy, i well talk about that in another blog.

I practised allot, had allot of trials and errors, but managed to pull throw. and after awhile i decided to upgrade to Canon 5D Mark III 


I love this Camera, it has allot of features and the picture quality is amazing, This camera is so nice that i need to write another blog for it.





Ok OK now we know about your past But why take it ?

Well i can think of a million resin why i should take my camera and one resin not to take it, the resin why not is the weight, im going to take a bag with my camera and lenses so i well be carrying it. But regarding the million resin well im not going to explain them all, but you can see my Photo Gallery and that can explain allot.

Everyone is taking there Phone that has a camera why the hassle

Well Camera phones either IPhones or other brands have good Camera’s but you never see a professional picture taken by them, for allot of resin they still have a long way to go. Either you want to talk about there Camera sensors there Colours capturing process i can go forever explaining…..

Fine so what are you plaining to do with all your Gear ?

I promised my self that when i travel, i well not return till i get the perfect picture…… I Hope

Just to be clear tell me again why did you pick Canon ?

Canon Sony Nikon it really doesn’t make a difference, i choose Canon cause i had more option to chose from in my country in Saudi Arabia, Canon is much stronger as a brand over here, plus i read once they had more Lenses to play with, is that true i dont know…………..

Canon lenses

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